Spring DIY makes
Here are some ideas to try with your Crafty Kids at home, while you are waiting for our next event.
Bunny rabbit

Get a square of fabric.
Fold it in half to make a triangle.
Roll up the material starting with the small point, to the long side.
Fold the ‘sausage’ in half, then fold it back on itself. Put an elastic band about half way to make ears, a head and a body.

5. You can stick on googly eyes, a pompom nose and a ribbon on its ears.
6. You can also use fabric pens/crayons to add details like a mouth and whiskers, or colour the inside of the ears.
Easter basket
Get a small cardboard box.
Ask an adult to help you cut off the top.
Use masking tape to strengthen any weak sides.

4. Stick on a thin strip of card for a handle.
5. Decorate the outside using coloured paper.

Painted flowers
Cut up an egg box so you are left with the individual segments. You can shape the sides into petals if you like.
Make a small hole in the middle and push through a green pipe cleaner or art straw. Use a small amount of masking tape to secure it.
Paint the inside and outside of the flower in any colours you like.
Add some scrunched up tissue paper to the middle.
Finally leave it to dry.
Salt dough decorations
Salt dough is very easy to make – all you need to do is mix together a cup of flour, half a cup of salt and half a cup of water, then knead it to make a dough. It’s fun to manipulate, you can roll it into a ball or a sausage, squash it flat, use cutlery or cookie cutters to make shapes and patterns.
To make a dough decoration, get a blob of dough.
Roll it out flat and then use cutters or a blunt knife to make shapes.
You can just leave it to air dry in a warm place, but it will take about a week to go hard. Cooking it speeds up the process, but it can also sometimes make it go a bit darker.
If you want to cook it put it in the oven on 100 degrees for about 3 hours (less if it’s quite thin), turn it over about half way through the cooking time.
When it is hard and cool you can decorate it, you can use paint, crayons or felt tips (it might be a good idea to test an area for suitability first). You could also glue on sequins or sprinkle on some glitter.